Saturday 22 February 2014

Another Nollywood Actress Says On Nudity; My Body Is My Laptop!

Sylvia Oluchi, Nollywood's fast-rising actress and winner of Best Rising Star at the June 2012 Nollywood Movies Awards for her role in Bent Arrows seems to have no holds barred when it comes to using her body.
In an interview with BestofNollywood recently, she was asked if there's a limit to what she can do on set as regards nudity in movies and she said:

''I don't have any boundaries because my body is my laptop. Others have their laptops and files, what I have is my body and voice, Even the concept of nudity, I don't have any problems what so ever, but it has to make sense, if it enriches the story and is done tastefully, I mean sometimes you can see nudity been done for a good reason, like in the west, they could take off their clothes to protest. Like I said, I don't have problem with nudity, I just want it to make sense''.

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