Thursday 19 November 2015

READ NOW! How OAP Wyse Conquered Fear of Public Speaking!


Survey has it that 80 to 90% of all students enrolled in speech classes suffer from stage fright at the beginning of the course.

Don't be scared! A certain amount of stage fright is useful. It helps prepare your body to think faster, talk more fluently and with greater intensity than normal circumstances.

Even professional speakers have stage fright. It is almost always present just before they speak and it may persist through the first few sentences of their talk. Ask MC and OAP, Wyse on Top Radio...he knows!

Speaking in public is nature's own method of overcoming self-consciousness and building up courage and self confidence.
Facts about fear of effective and public speaking.

Fear is misbegotten of ignorance and uncertainty. The fear of the unknown and no practice fuels the fear of public speaking.

Quench your fear! CrystalWyse Media will be giving you "THE BASICS OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC SPEAKING IN 4WEEKS"

Follow them on these social media handles for updates.
Twitter: @Crystal_Wyse

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