Friday 15 November 2013

MADT CRAZE! Men Who Voluntarily catch HIV!

Dangerous? Extremely. But that seems to be exactly where the appeal lies.  According to Star Media Online, a US website which promotes meetings of bug-chasers and gift-givers who are already HIV positive already boasts  over 5,000 members. "Now, hundreds of men are introducing themselves on online forums, Facebook groups and Twitter. They meet up and try to transmit the potentially life-threatening virus."
One of the many shared ideologies of the group, is that contracting the disease is actually improving their quality of life, because of the pills that they need to take. Apparently the disease is no longer a threat to ones well-being, and is seen as "Not a big deal".
The general consensus is that as long as the participants are 100% consensual, nothing can be done to stop the group from "Spreading the love".

A member was quoted, "If you brought me a person I had infected and sat them in front of me I would probably feel some guilt over it if they hadn’t been educated about the risks. But all the people I have had sex with have made educated decision

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