Saturday 1 June 2013


It's goodbye.
We can no longer try.
All you do now is but cry.
But cries and time by,
I hope you understand why.

Why I left without a glance,
I know I didn't give us a chance.
We could have made it through, perchance.
I knew I staked you with a lance,
Wen I stopped the music to the dance.

Had you walked through the door to my mind,
and listened to my tuts,
What you would find,
Would make you nuts.
You forgave my faults without long thoughts.
I know...

But there is more!
I got lost in the floody flow.
I wanted adventure.
You were content with the homey glow.
I wanted more to live and love for.
I wanted more!

I wanted the sunset at dusk,
Forever young,
Serenading my dreams like strong musk.
Was I wrong?
This is me coming out from my hiding husk!

It's goodbye.
We can no longer try.
All you do now is but cry.
But cries and time by,
I hope you understand why.

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