Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Living with a house maid. 12 Danger Signals To Watch Out For.

No doubt, housemaids are indispensable to the functionality of some homes. From helping with house chores to taking care of the kids and keeping the house in neat and orderly fashion, they are a blessing to couples married to their professions.
However, as good as it sounds or might be, there are always some bad apples in a basket of good ones.
Have you met an Ekaette?
For your safety and self-preservation, here are 12 danger signals to help you all the way in dealing with one.

01. Your housemaid should look good no doubt. But when she starts wearing flashy or skimpy clothes intended to impress. Start having a rethink.

02. When your housemaid is suddenly careless about what she wears; if she suddenly starts deciding to wear skimpy or seductive dresses especially when Oga Sir or any of your grown sons are around, it's time to send her packing.
03. When your kids find it reluctant to talk to you a out their day in her presence; when she makes extra effort that you are not "disturbed" by keeping them away from you, something bad is in the offing.

04. When the housemaid suddenly picks a good interest in Oga Sir's welfare, particularly in his clothes and food, WATCH OUT! You may have started sharing Oga's goody bag o 0 0 O!

05. When she begins to regularly hang out with "my brother or sister from my village", Watch and Pray oooo!

06. Abeg make time to check her out at night once in a while; it's important you know what she does at night. You may be surprised at what you might discover.

07. If your maid locks her room or box very religiously, she has a walking skeleton in her cupboard.

08. If she starts giving out food to someone you don't know, Watch out!
09. When she suddenly begins to spend an hour getting groceries from the local market she hitherto spends 20 minutes at, she may have an Okoro somewhere. Bad News is, Start preparing to feed 3 mouths. (She, Okoro and a foetus)

10 . If your housemaid gets too comfortable around the house, danger is smiling.

11. If Oga Sir suddenly becomes overprotective of the housemaid, or she talks caelessly before him, there is a coup brewing. Don't wait to be overthrown o 0 0 O!

12. If she starts asking you when you intend going to the shop or away from the house, Make sure you start taking her along. You may come back to meet an "empty" house o O 0!

Stay in tune with Otinspiration for updates to deal with a Okoro (male house help).

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