Sunday 21 July 2013

Questions Young People Ask...

"(S)He is different"----"(S)He is just like the rest".
I guess boys and girls use this cliché "(S)He is different..." almost all the time when they are hooked in their fairy tale of the perfect Monsieur/Madamosielle Right.

But! when they face the harsh reality of the almost non-existent perfect nature of him/her, then they go "(S)He is just like the rest".

This sorry admission is synonymous to every make-up or break-up lovers experience. They tag their ex as the black sheep and woe betide who comes up next. (S)He can't be trusted. (S)He has to carry the cross of mistrust.

There goes the complexity and flexibility of lovers minds.

However, when and after they meet a new guy/girl, the story changes again, which have brought about this question on how best a relationship can survive.

Do you wait for the right person, find the right person or you make the right person? #Just thinking...

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