Wednesday, 17 July 2013

(Motivational Talk) Somebody Of My Age. Read through and be inspired!

By Olufowobi Olumide

Somebody my age thinks life is unfair; Another thinks life is a bed of roses.
Somebody thinks he doesn't have to put in so much efforts to get his desires while another thinks and believe in the mantra of "whatever is what doing (at all) is worth doing well.
Somebody my age thinks "i have things at my beck and call"; Another thinks "I need to struggle real hard to provide for loved ones and myself".
Somebody my age doesn't make decision on his own but acts on what his parents have decided upon; Another sits on the edge of his bed at night to retrospect and plan for the next step, the next day.
Someone my age drives the most sophisticated car,wears vintage clothes...all bought with their parents credit card; Another wears a conservative cloth gotten from a regular market or perhaps a flea market.
Someone of my age goes to church to showcase his newly acquired apparel; Another goes solely to seek the face of God.
I ask you today, where in my age do you belong?
15,20, 25, 29, 45, 56, 78,...
All these are figures, but the focus here is your priority.
Life is too short to live it as an extension of somebody else, too short for you not to make an impact.
Then you think...
What defines IMPACT?
How much do i have to spend to make an impact?
Making impact at times doesn't really have to be materialistic.
It could be emotional, giving advice, giving a smile to someone who does(n't) need it, sharing the WORD (encouraging), spending sometime to pray with a random friend...
But alas, all these don't seem to meet our priority anymore.
Today, determine to make make an input in the life of someone! Remember the greatest investment you or I can ever make is investing in others.
Let your wealth or impact be in people and the value you give.
Stay blessed and do have a impactful week!
I look forward to sharing my experiences with you in our next meeting.

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