Tuesday 27 August 2013

Inspiring Stories: “Bottle light” inventor proud to be poor

Inspiring Stories: “Bottle light” inventor proud to be poor

“It’s a divine light. God gave the sun to everyone, and light is for everyone. Whoever wants it saves money. You can’t get an electric shock from it, and it doesn’t cost a penny.” – Alfredo Moser

The inspiration for the “Moser lamp” came to him during one of the country’s frequent electricity blackouts in 2002. Now because of Alfredo Moser’s invention, thousands of lives in over 15 countries are being changed. While he does earn a few dollars installing them, it’s obvious from his simple house and his 1974 car that his invention hasn’t made him wealthy.

What it has given him is a great sense of pride. Pride in the fact
that a man was able to raise enough money to cater for his new baby from installing Moser lamps for locals.
Following the Moser method, MyShelter in the Philippines started making the lamps in June 2011. They now train people to create and install the bottles, in order to earn a small income.

So how does it work?
Refract sunlight by simply fill a clean and empty bottle with water, add two capfuls of bleach to prevent the water from turning green overtime, make a hole in roof with a drill then from bottom upwards, push bottle through roof and seal roof with polyester resin. Easy peasy.

Moser may never have imagined that his invention would have a global impact and he may not win a Pulitzer Prize for his invention but he is content with knowing that he has made life a little brighter for some thousands of people.
Now, learn to follow your dreams. You could be the one putting the light in other people's lives. Don't go for the money. You need to learn before you can learn.

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