Monday 5 August 2013

Justin Bieber gets into another club brawl>>>Gets injured.

Justin Bieber got his fists out again when he started a brawl at a club house.
As reported from eyewitness reports,the fight started over a heated exchange between Justin and a male clubgoer after a female friend hit on the singer.
Here’s an account of Justin’s rage: “He ripped his shirt off and went nuts,” a source revealed.
 “He was screaming.”
That’s when Justin’s personal security squashed the situation…or attempted to.
After escorting the singer outside to a parking lot so he could cool down, things continued to escalate inside the nightclub when his entourage got “involved in a fight.”.
According to eyewitnesses, it was a brawl that was bound to happen. there was a lot of tension after Justin and his camp arrived because of the “heavy-handed” behavior from his bodyguards. They were said to be “intimidating” and “overbearing” to anyone who wasn’t in Justin’s circle.
That boy sure loves trouble, doesn't he?

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